How Fun2GrowOn Creates the Perfect Recipe for Leadership Success
Oct 25, 2024
The Perfect Recipe for Leadership Success
Hi, I’m Laura McAlister!
Those who’ve seen my social media know I’m also a baker. And I’ve come to believe that leadership development is much like baking the perfect cake. In today’s fast-paced world, motivating teams to their full potential is more crucial than ever. We wanted to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to those who don’t know us and share how Fun2GrowOn’s unique approach creates lasting results through engaging experiences.
Our journey into leadership development was born from two diverse yet complementary paths. My career started humbly in the mailroom and evolved into healthcare leadership, while my husband Barry’s background as an improv comedian taught him the value of communication and thinking quickly on his feet. Together, we’ve combined these skills into Fun2GrowOn, a company designed to spark growth in people and teams by blending personality assessments, communication workshops, and interactive experiences- and we make it fun!
What sets us apart?
Our workshops are like the secret ingredients that bring flavor and depth to your leadership recipe. We focus on active participation and real-world applications, meaning your team won’t just sit and listen. They’ll get up, engage, and participate in experiences that teach them how to communicate better, resolve conflict, and collaborate effectively. One leader we worked with saw a dramatic reduction in team conflict simply by incorporating our emotional intelligence strategies and thoughtful questioning. And Barry has worked with one of our clients for a decade- teaching each new sales team effective and engaging communication skills (while having a blast).
We know that today’s workplace is shifting.
Younger employees enter the job market with higher expectations around salaries, benefits, and career growth. Leaders must adapt to this new landscape and offer environments where people feel heard and motivated. That’s why we emphasize servant leadership — creating a safe space where all team members can voice their ideas without fear. Our workshops, customized to meet your organization’s specific needs, provide tools for both seasoned leaders and rising stars to thrive.
Baking Motivation
As we head into the holiday season, baking is especially on my mind. And I can’t help but think about how we help leaders see how “baking motivation” into their leadership style can make a difference. We’d love to get in the kitchen with you! Like a well-crafted recipe, motivating your team requires the right tools, the perfect mix of fun and structure, and the ability to adapt to new ingredients.
To learn more about our unique leadership and team development approach, visit us at Let’s bake some motivation into your team’s success!
Hey, I’m Barry!
I’m the other co-founder of Fun2GrowOn and Laura’s other half. That means I’m her chief tasting officer for her baked goods (sticking with her baking theme). What a wild concept, right? Can you believe that we make the learning experience interactive and even fun? Who can do such a thing? Well, WE can!
Our workshops are not just the same old stale muffins sitting on the shelf (again, with the metaphors). We’re fresh, new, and different! I absorbed a lot of fun stuff studying improv at The Second City Chicago. Transformational communications techniques and concepts that our clients benefit from every day. It’s the secret ingredient, the icing on the cake, the bigger-better-batter for a tasty, delicious, successful cake! We make the learning experience interactive and even fun. Who can do such a thing? Well, WE can!
Laugh, Learn, Grow
When Laura presents a concept, I jump in to help you understand it. Then, we apply the learning to your business, allowing the team to grow and test new ideas and skills in a safe environment- before marching into a board room to show off the new skills. We don’t just throw information at your team; we help them experience it. We live by LAUGH, LEARN, GROW. We engage your team and get them to LAUGH. Having fun together loosens them up and helps them bond and Learn. Then, as they all learn together, they GROW, and the company grows.
Head over to our website and see more about how we can help you get where you want to be! Now I have to walk off the cupcakes I tested for Laura! The sacrifices a husband makes.
If you need entertainment at your holiday event this year, talk to us about creating a tailor-made improv comedy show just for your group—all based on your suggestions! It's great as a stand-alone show, or have a Fun2GrowOn workshop earlier in the day and close out your event with a fun, memorable show!! We can even make it educational and utilize those left-over educational dollars. Let's talk!
Stick with us as we bake up some motivation in November and December!
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